Sunday , 29 September 2024
Is a Urinary Tract Infection an Early Symptom of Kidney Stones?
Closeup young sick woman with hands holding pressing her crotch lower abdomen. Medical or gynecological problems, healthcare concept

Is a Urinary Tract Infection an Early Symptom of Kidney Stones?

To understand the urinary tract infections and possibilities of kidney stones, it is first essential to know about the structure of the urinary tract. Basically, the human body’s urinary tract is separated into 2 sections: 

  • The upper tract (counting the kidneys and the ureter)
  • The lower tract (counting the bladder and urethra)


As per most specialists and doctors, it is generally simpler to treat lower tract diseases. Urinary tract diseases (UTI) including the lower tract are mostly bacterial contamination. In spite of the fact that your pee is in fact microscopic organisms free, microorganisms may, in any case, be acquainted with this in different ways. 

Ways via which you can get contaminated by the bacterial infection in the lower tract includes:

  • Characterizations and sex are a portion of the wellspring of the microscopic organisms that get presented in the pee and further outcomes to urinary tract contamination.
  • HIV or different illnesses patients, which result in stifled in susceptibility may likewise prompt urinary tract diseases. Because of the distinction in life systems of people, the last is progressively inclined to this infection.
  • The urethra of the female is shorter than in males. In that capacity, microorganisms may make a trip quicker to the bladder and result in the undesirable contamination. Concentrates likewise demonstrate that urinary tract contamination might be gotten from utilizing stomach in ladies as contraception.
  • Post-menopausal ladies were additionally observed to have a higher hazard for this in light of the absence of the hormone estrogen which anticipates the development of microorganisms in the bladder. 

To treat infections associated with lower tract, consult the doctor right now.


Upper tract malady is really the kidney stones. These stones are the mineral stores that are shaped in the renal framework. Kidney stones are normally asymptomatic on the off chance that they are restricted in the kidneys. This implies on the off chance that they remain in your kidneys; you would scarcely see any agony or inconvenience. 

On the off chance that you are contracted with upper tract contamination, you should pay attention to such diseases. You could be proposed to be hospitalized. UTI and kidney stones are a portion of the more well-known and increasingly regular maladies including these organs of the body. 

The issue really comes when it severs and goes down your urethra. It can cause blockage and an excruciating sensation in the back once it hits your crotches. Your UTI and kidney stone might be connected. For this reason, don’t delay in consulting the best urologist in Pakistan, if you ever feel such kind of pain or discomfort. On the off chance that one presumes that a UTI is joined by kidney stones, medicinal assistance ought to be looked for immediately.

Treatment is accessible. Kidney stones might be evacuated relying upon its size. For kidneys under 5mm, drinking a lot of water of liquids may help free you of the stones. For those greater than this, medicinal intercession might be required. There is lithotripsy or manual expulsion by means of a degree. These techniques are joined by anesthesia so it is extremely easy. UTI and kidney stones are diseases that must be paid attention to. 

Moreover, the lower tract contamination might be treated at home with antimicrobials and legitimate cleanliness. In the event that you’ve upper tract contamination, for example, kidney stones, you should look for the best doctor for a treatment plan.

Find a doctor at and fix your appointment with one of the best urologists in Lahore.

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