Sunday , 29 September 2024

Web Master

A/C Tips for summer

A/C Tips for summer

Long and lazy afternoons lying by the pool, sunset barbeques and beach parties, warm nights..many people love being outdoors in the summer. But what about the indoors? Without a good AC, summers indoors can be unbearably hot, slowly making you long for the bitter cold of winter.As summer progresses, we will use our air conditioners more and more. With increasing …

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Key Factors to Note before Creating a Custom CRM!

real estate technology

If you are reading this, then the chances are that you are already a dedicated businessman or an experienced developer! But before that, for the uninitiated… What is a CRM? Customer Relationship Management or CRM, as it is more popularly dubbed, is a system or an approach that analyses the behaviour of both it’s own as well as potential customers …

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How to add captions and foreign language subtitles to your YouTube videos automatically!


YouTube is one of the most popular video platforms, and is the second most popular search engine after Google. Creating videos for YouTube has become a crucial digital marketing option for businesses, and a professional occupation for creative individuals. The performance of the content on YouTube is judged by the number of views on a video and subscribers on a …

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Everything About Magna Glaskeramic Sintered Glass Surfaces

Magna Glaskeramic

Summary: MAGNA Glaskeramik sintered glass surfaces achieve unique translucency as a result of crystallization technology and hand-mass processing. These fully recycled glass slabs are perfect to enhance the aesthetic charm of any kitchen interior. Main Text: Magna Glaskeramik Sintered Glass surface is an innovative worktop material, which is made from 100% defective glass bottles and industrial waste. The fully recyclable …

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Reasons to Consider an Alternative Cancer Treatment Center

Cancer Treatment

There may be some reservations about alternative medicine, but it is undeniable that more and more patients are leaning towards it. Some reason out that medical treatments have become incredibly expensive over the years, so they’ve been forced to look for other solutions. Cancer patients have joined the fold, especially since radiation and chemotherapy can cause a significant dent in …

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7 Reasons Why Eucalyptus Sheets Are Best for Your Bed

7 Reasons Why Eucalyptus Sheets Are Best for Your Bed

In an age where environment is already being subjected to enormous amount of damage due to a rapid increase in industrial activity, it has become our integral responsibility to make wise and environmentally friendly decisions. What can be a better place to begin making those decisions than the bedroom itself?  Even something as little as choosing the right bedsheet has …

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Disease Review: Cholera


People living in developed countries with access to clean water and food are lucky. The risk of them getting infected by certain diseases is lower than areas with poor sanitation and unavailable clean water and foods. Cholera, a good example of that disease, remains a global threat to public health, especially to underdeveloped areas. Cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness …

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