Sunday , 29 September 2024


Covid 19: “Chines virus” The Pandemic is globle

covid 19

The COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded to nearly every USA on Earth. And yet, several American officials refer to it as the “Wuhan virus” or even the “Chinese virus.” U.S.-Chinese antagonism in this vein is now not new. But, whilst this deliberate cross to companion Wuhan and greater typically China, with the COVID pandemic serves a political cause for the Trump …

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Reasons to Consider an Alternative Cancer Treatment Center

Cancer Treatment

There may be some reservations about alternative medicine, but it is undeniable that more and more patients are leaning towards it. Some reason out that medical treatments have become incredibly expensive over the years, so they’ve been forced to look for other solutions. Cancer patients have joined the fold, especially since radiation and chemotherapy can cause a significant dent in …

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Disease Review: Cholera


People living in developed countries with access to clean water and food are lucky. The risk of them getting infected by certain diseases is lower than areas with poor sanitation and unavailable clean water and foods. Cholera, a good example of that disease, remains a global threat to public health, especially to underdeveloped areas. Cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness …

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Disease Review: Malaria

Disease Review: Malaria

Vectors are organisms that carry pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites from their reservoir to humans or other places. Several diseases and disorders such as PTSD and stroke don’t need vectors. People experience them without the help of vectors. But certain diseases rely on vectors to be successful. One of the successful diseases due to vectors is Malaria. Malaria …

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Depression: What You Need To Know

Depression: What You Need To Know

Depression is one of the most common mental disorder that is often misunderstood by most people. It is very difficult to fathom the feeling, thoughts, and experiences of the person experiencing it.  Here are some of the basic facts about depression: Major depression is one of the most common mental illnesses, affecting 6.7% (more than 16 million) of American adults …

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