Wednesday , 16 October 2024

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Digital Extortion: Don’t Let Your Data Be Held Hostage

Your Data Be Held Hostage

If you don’t own your own data, you need to fix that right now. Here’s how to prevent a marketing or SEO agency from holding your data hostage. Recently, our firm took over the digital marketing efforts for a small company. Their previous digital marketing efforts were led by a large, multi-national corporation that formerly specialized in Yellow Page advertising. …

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What Is Great Content? The 6 Standards of Content Greatness

Standards of Content Greatness

Before you hit publish, give your content a thorough review to make sure it meets these six standards of content greatness.  We all know that content is king. However, we also know that what is considered great content is constantly evolving – especially as users begin to search for and digest content differently. Content and marketing trends change, and so …

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12 of the Best Tools to Monitor Your Online Reputation

Best Tools to Monitor Your Online Reputation

Keeping track of what people say about your brand online is beneficial. Read about 12 tools that can help you monitor your online reputation. Your online reputation is one of the strongest measures of your success as a business. Online life is real life; your online reputation is everything. This means that keeping up with, and monitoring, your online presence …

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