Wednesday , 16 October 2024

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Disease Review: Tuberculosis

Disease Review: Tuberculosis

In a world full of infectious agents that we cannot see with our naked eyes, we should act like we are carriers of diseases or might catch an infection anytime. With this in mind, we will be more concerned about our hygiene and surroundings. Proper washing of hands or covering of mouth and nose when coughing can help prevent the …

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Malaria: Disease Review

Disease Review: Malaria

Vectors are organisms that carry pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites from their reservoir to humans or other places. Several diseases and disorders such as PTSD and stroke don’t need vectors. People experience them without the help of vectors. But certain diseases rely on vectors to be successful. One of the successful diseases due to vectors is Malaria. Malaria …

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Top 5 Reasons to Start Investing in Vacant Land Today

vacant land

“He makes how much per month?” I looked at my partner in astonishment. He had been speaking to a few other land investors in a bid to get me to buy into the business. And one of these investors had disclosed his surprisingly high monthly earnings. I won’t tell you how much, but I’m sure you are wondering the same …

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